A Floresta Mística by Valdemar Joana
This unique piece was created in 2022. It's based on: nature and it's theme of inspiration is: Humans must realize that this life is theirs. Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well. Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly. Take the power to walk in the forest and be a part of nature, like the mystical beings in it. Take the power to control your own life because no one else will. Hide in the woods within your definition of “God”, so that when a person wants to find you they have to go there first, because we all have forests in our minds. Unexplored, endless forests. Each one of us gets lost in the woods, every night, alone. The forest that many call “the soul”.. Materials used: ink on A4. Dimensions (aprox.): width 21cm x height 30cm. Being sold by the Artist
To avoid possible counterfeits, we only accept returns of artworks that are in our custody. That is, either in the process of delivery in Luanda by our team or in the process of collection from our offices by the customer. The return request must be made when the work is being delivered and before the customer has signed an acknowledgment of receipt. 10% of the purchase price will be retained to cover administrative costs (e.g. transport).
How to receive your work of art - If you are going to receive the work in Luanda, Angola we can organize home delivery within 1 week together with the partner supplier. If it is in another province or in another country, the transport of the work is the responsibility of the buyer who will organize the collection of the same with our team.